REDES Project

DSCF1403REDES stands for Relationship, Evangelize, Disciple, Equip, and Serve. The Rojas and Chuvé families began the REDES project in 2009 by training, mentoring, and uniting the church leaders into a church association. God has brought other mission partners to work with them and fulfill Christ’s command to make disciples, baptize, and teach others to obey everything Christ commanded (Matt. 28:19-20).

The Lomerío believers are loving their neighbors and serving their communities. By doing so, they open doors and enable non-believers to be drawn to Jesus.

REDES Project leaders continue to plan and implement new projects to meet educational, spiritual, and social goals. They hope to reach all 28 communities located in the Lomerío region of Bolivia, and then evangelize and disciple the 48 communities surrounding the town of Concepción.

Check out our blog for updates on the REDES Project and our newsletters featuring news from the mission field!

Past and current programs include:

Church Planting

Of the 28 villages in the Lomerío, REDES leaders have helped to establish evangelical Christian churches in:

  • Porvenir – Evangelical Church of Maranatha
  • Monterito – “Christ Is Coming” Evangelical Church
  • Coloradillo – “The Light of Christ” Evangelical Church
  • San Lorenzo – “Strong Tower” Evangelical Church
  • Púquio – “Christ Is Alive” Evangelical Church
  • Surusubí – “God is Love” Evangelical Church
  • Palmira – “Christ is the Hope” Evangelical Church

Other communities we have begun to reach include Fátima, Florida, San Simón, Todos Santos, and Santa Rosario. Our national missionaries and church leaders are working to reach all of the villages in the Lomerío, as well as the other 46 villages surrounding Concepción.

Ministry Efforts

REDES ministry efforts include:

  • Sending mission teams from the U.S. (at least once a year)
  • Leadership training
  • Chicken project – raising chickens for nutrition and economic development
  • Handmade crafts/women’s ministry activities – for spiritual growth, discipleship, evangelism, and economic development
  • Garden projects – for nutrition and economic development
  • Water treatment and sanitation projects
  • Children’s ministry – Vacation Bible School, serving breakfast, Sunday School, etc.

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