Good News Club

This past week the REDES Lomerio Motorcycle Missionaries inaugurated the Good News Clubs for 2025. Here are some pictures of the first group being taught by Rosita and her daughter.

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Latest Update on the Fatima Church Building

The weather finally cooperated and the REDES Team was able to get back to work on the Fatima Church. They were busy plastering the ceiling and beginning to install the floor of the platform by fitting rock into the framing. Keep their safety in prayer as that scaffolding is rather…

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Keep Our Motorcycle Missionaries in Prayer!

Construction on the Fatima church this week came to a standstill due to excessive rain in eastern Bolivia. The roads have become impassible even for a motorcycle. Here are some pictures of the small stream in Surusubí that overran its banks. Every stream in the Lomerio looks like this and…

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Safety in the Lomerio

This year has been very rainy in the Lomerio and the river Zapoco is running full. The fastest way to get to the eastern side of the Lomerio and Fatima or on to Santa Cruz is by crossing this rather dangerous bridge. It is at least a half hour longer…

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