Living Out Values in the Lomerio

In the Lomerio region of Bolivia, life is hard. Especially for women.  There are no washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, or refrigerators.  Most cooking is done over an open fire.  Water often has to be carried from a stream.  Meat is not purchased from a supermarket in neat, cellophane wrap; it…

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I don’t know about you, but I am tired of all the divisiveness in this country at the moment. It seems to have invaded politics, schools, families, and homes. I cannot turn on the t.v. or listen to a news story or even surf Facebook without encountering it. Often I…

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The “Yapa”

In Bolivia I love to shop at the open air markets.  They are filled with a colorful assortment of fruits and vegetables, meats, dry goods, pungent spices in 100-pound cloth bags, personal hygiene items, household cleaning products, and other seemingly unrelated articles.  Each section is usually presided over by a…

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Omar and Anna Vasquez

Have you met Omar and Anna Vasquez? For those of you who have been on mission trips in the past couple of years, you have probably been the recipient of their excellent hosting skills, great meals, and transportation. Omar and Anna have run the guest house in Santa Cruz for…

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