Living Out Values in the Lomerio

In the Lomerio region of Bolivia, life is hard. Especially for women.  There are no washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves, or refrigerators.  Most cooking is done over an open fire.  Water often has to be carried from a stream.  Meat is not purchased from a supermarket in neat, cellophane wrap; it…

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“Mistakes” “Mistakes”.  According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, a mistake is made when one makes a wrong or incorrect judgment about something.  Of course, we all make mistakes.  It is part of being human.  We do them unconsciously or deliberately.  But we all “mess up”.  Some of us worse than others. I…

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Reagle Mission Trip

Where to begin?  I am at a loss for words, and have been since shortly after our arrival.  My thoughts and emotions rush and tangle within each other to the point where I cannot put together a coherent sentence.  To say that this trip has changed my perspective, to say…

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Smiles All Around

This year on our trip to the Lomerío, we took some children’s toothbrushes and small tubes of toothpaste – 225 to be exact. They may seem like odd items to pack, but thanks to a generous dentist from Poland, Ohio, we were able to meet yet another social need for…

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